About the dialogue

We all want to make Kingston the best it can be – for everyone who lives, works, visits and does business here. The purpose of this site is to gather feedback on specific questions (known as challenges). It is a place where you can share your views on a range of topics which Kingston Council is thinking about currently.

Important information about this site

By using this site you should be aware that:

  • You will need to register and be aware of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy regarding use of your data.
  • We will be moderating ideas and comments in accordance with our moderation policy. Submissions that do not adhere to our policy will be rejected from publishing.
  • We may publish reports which include quotes of comments. Any quotes used will be anonymous.

How do I take part?

To take part, please register by providing a username, your email address and a password.

Once registered you can add new ideas, or comment on and rate existing ideas.

You don't have to comment on everything. Look through the ideas and chat about the things that matter to you. Or add your own idea if you feel something is missing.

Other people will be able to see and respond to your input, and you can see and comment on other people’s ideas as well. We ask you to be thoughtful and fair in these discussions.

Other information

If you want to find out more about our other consultation and engagement activities please visit www.kingstonletstalk.co.uk/

If you have a query about this hub please contact us using the 'Contact' link below.