Integrated transport plan for TKA, Fern Hill and Tiffin

This 3 school site is a congestion and pollution hotspot as three lots of pupils spill over onto the roads morning and afternoon, breathing heavy fumes.

To add insult to injury, Tiffin girls has an airport style drop off area to incentivise driving and too large a catchment area. 

The 3 schools should work with the council on an integrated transport plan with greater staggers in start and finish times, a smaller more local catchment area for Tiffin girls, and active discouragement of drivers to school when it's a 15 minute walk from a major tramsport mode in Kingston station.

A higher quality cycle lane along Richmond road is part of this solution, with greater segregation from car traffic, so it's safe for children to use.

Why the contribution is important

To support health, safety and active lifestyles 

by jonrush on August 17, 2024 at 06:28PM

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