20mph speed limit A243

Reduce speed limit to 20mph on A243 from Malden Rushet to Hook roundabout. Safer for local schools, Chessington World of Adventures and everyone else. 

Why the contribution is important

Reduces risk of road traffic collisions with pedestrians and other cars. 

by Harvv77 on July 30, 2024 at 10:28AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 1.5
Based on: 2 votes


  • Posted by HookManMan4Namibia August 21, 2024 at 12:53

    I am a pedestrian. The excess fumes, and deaths, that the resulting pollution would cause vastly outweigh any minor reduction in risk of injury
  • Posted by juan August 25, 2024 at 18:56

    As a car driver....I find the 20mph limit awful...it feels like you are walking.......however I agree that it should be near schools and hospitals etc. There are quite a few crossing places along the A243...maybe just needs one up by the garden centre but not a heavily used pedestrian area. It would also be good to see what accidents and type that have occurred in the last few years and where along this stretch of road. Where all the 20mph restrictions are implemented...I constantly see speeding cars and bikes just when I'm out and about....if it can't be policed (and money is in short supply)......the same irresponsible drivers will be breaking the limit.
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