20mph speed limit A243

Reduce speed limit to 20mph on A243 from Malden Rushet to Hook roundabout. Safer for local schools, Chessington World of Adventures and everyone else. 

Why the contribution is important

Reduces risk of road traffic collisions with pedestrians and other cars. 

by Harvv77 on July 30, 2024 at 10:28AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 2.6
Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by HookManMan4Namibia August 21, 2024 at 12:53

    I am a pedestrian. The excess fumes, and deaths, that the resulting pollution would cause vastly outweigh any minor reduction in risk of injury
  • Posted by juan August 25, 2024 at 18:56

    As a car driver....I find the 20mph limit awful...it feels like you are walking.......however I agree that it should be near schools and hospitals etc. There are quite a few crossing places along the A243...maybe just needs one up by the garden centre but not a heavily used pedestrian area. It would also be good to see what accidents and type that have occurred in the last few years and where along this stretch of road. Where all the 20mph restrictions are implemented...I constantly see speeding cars and bikes just when I'm out and about....if it can't be policed (and money is in short supply)......the same irresponsible drivers will be breaking the limit.
  • Posted by RR September 06, 2024 at 10:02

    The last thing we want is a reduction on this section of road, its bad enough with the Bridge Road\Moor Lane and Jubilee Way restrictions. We need the traffic to flow freely and efficiently and most of the time it suffers from congestion.

    The Mayor has spent a great deal of our money making our roads cleaner from the aspect of air pollution but he has done nothing to stop the ever increasing noise pollution we get from Motor Bikes and Scooters that plagues not just the A243 which seems to be a major route for noisy revving motor bikes especially over the weekends but also the rest of the RBK South of the Borough Community.

    Would suggest to help the walk to school on the A243 we ask TFL to install a Zebra Crossing at the site of the what was an RBK funded School Patrol (lollipop Person) crossing i.e. just south of Harrow Close where there is already a central island and power available. It would make crossing safer and quicker for parents and children rather than having to wait for the Merritt Garden junction Lights and sometimes through frustration they take chances. It would also hold up traffic for the least amount of time and stop the ever increasing traffic halted waiting at pedestrian lights when nobody is crossing as they have got fed up waiting and taken the risk.

  • Posted by Brian44 October 09, 2024 at 16:46

    As far as I am aware, the borough wide 20 MPH speed limit has never been voted on by the public. We would probably all agree with it adjacent to schools at certain times of the school day. Why it is in place, borough wide, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, I almost said "is beyond me" but I forgot about controlling the pubic, rather than serving them, on the majority of roads, including main thoroughfares, such as the A 240 & A 243 .
    Regards. B Ekins
  • Posted by apavett December 02, 2024 at 11:11

    I still "forget" about the 20mph limits, but it is for the better and common good. Traffic along here rarely exceeds 20mph. Some vehicles travel at very unsafe speeds, so would welcome this, all the way to the Ace of Spades please
  • Posted by Towner13 December 29, 2024 at 10:22

    Slowing traffic to 20mph increases air pollution, plus driver frustration leading to more accidents, not less. The reduction around schools is necessary but does not appear to be enforced, based on the vehicles I see in Church Lane!
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