Bridge Road Roundabout Slip Roads

Albeit the A243 Leatherhead Road is the responsibility of TFL the four Slip Roads are the rsponsibilty of RBK Highways Department. They need to carry out a project to look at the overall issuses that have been outstanding with these slip roads for years.

Why the contribution is important

A great deal of time, effort and money  has been invested in the North East Slip Road i.e. resurfacing and traffic control measure albeit maybe allowing vehicles to exit onto the busy A|243 and having to cross both lanes to negotiate the turn may need revisiting, now the free flowing left hand lane to Ewell is in place and vehicles do not need to use the slip road as a short cut.

The South East Slip Road needs resurfacing and the path way across the verge to the Zebra Crossing needs defining.

The North West and South West Slip Roads are home to local businesses and not only the issue of resurfacing needs to be addressed the issue of parking has been outstanding for years.

Parking is at a premium but as  they dont have a parking regime in place vehicles are parked for ages and we have had the scenario where vehicles have been dumped for months taking up valuabkle parking spaces. .

This affects the footfall to the businesses and we need RBK Highways to look at the possibilty of having a parking regime similar to the one at the Ace of Spades e.g. Free Parking 2 Hours no retuen 4 Hours.

Plus in no way  should a bay be given up to a Charging Bay as we have seen with the one at the Ace of  Spades slip road the charging bay is empty for the majority of the time  when shoppers wanting  to visit the Ace Pharmacy ( especially when they are carrying our vaccination programs) and Shoppers cannot park affecting local businesses footfall.

The charging bays on the rare occasions when it is used is used by people just wanting to charge their vehicles e.g. Taxi Cab and not actually use the shops or businesses being counter productive to the local economy.

The charging points coud have beem put around the corner in Elmcroft Drive alongside a grass verge and possibly 2 bays instead of one.





by RR on October 25, 2024 at 06:39AM

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