Chessington North Station Made Step Free

Chessington North Station is on a high Embankement so the only Access to the Platforms is via two sets of very steep stairs so we need to install Inclinators as they have at Greenford Station  .

Up until this juncture the only solution is to install very expensive lift shafts and lifts  which has made the cost of the project prohibitive.

With the advent of the Inclinator Idea i.e. rails are overlaid over one side of the exisitng stair cases and the lift compartment travels up these rails like the old funicular railway you can see at some sea side resorts at an angle . This cuts down the cost of installation dramatically.

Greenford Inclinator


Why the contribution is important

Chessington North Station is situated in one of the more densely populated areas of the South of the Borough Community and a large proportion of the  population is elderly. They would use the railway more if they could access the platforms and the installation of  inclinators would open up the access to the Local Station to everyone and be another addition to a very busy viable area within our community along side our successful shopping parade..

by RR on October 27, 2024 at 07:49AM

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  • Posted by mikeH December 16, 2024 at 18:19

    A very good idea as the original lift shafts built with the station probably do not conform with current standards or would be hugely expensive to provide a special size lift. Alternatively wait for TfL to take over the line and let them decide!
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