Cover seating areas in King Edwards Park
King Edwards Park is a great resource for a lot of the walkers, football teams, running teams, cricket.....etc.
We walk the neighbours dog there, we watch the Sunday league football, the kids go there to walk, run, and play.
Having some covered seating areas would allow the park go-ers to stay dry in the wet weather, or allow the football supporters some shelter during downpours.
Why the contribution is important
It would encourage extended use of the park facilities, to know that you could stay sheltered there during bad weather.
This may have the knock on effect of people using the park at night, drinking and taking recreational drugs, but we have to accept this. Put bins in by the seats. Much better that people do this in a park than in the streets or find other less obviouls places to "unwind".
by apavett on December 02, 2024 at 11:21AM
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