Hook center.. Library.

Winter is coming. And still no answer from the management concerning if there will be heating in hook center. It's  4 years with no proper heating system. It is often closed in the winter months (below HSE guide lines for the staff to work) It's not just a library its like a community center. Bridge club, knitting crochet group, book club, scrabal, and more. A lot of childrens activitys. But come winter its to COLD a lot of senior citizens come to these clubs (gets you out of the house ) In winter to cold. This year late January a hot air supply was put in.. a unit in the car park to blow hot air in (chocolate tea pot springs to mind) So come on fix it this year. Us seniors have just lost 300 pounds heating money we need a warm space locally. I use kingston library in winter  nice and warm and free tea, coffee , biscuits .So fix it please this year. Thanks. 



Why the contribution is important

Because it's to cold to use the center, specially for senior citizens, and children.. 

by nemesis on July 31, 2024 at 04:04PM

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