Re-greening and increased safety of Hook Road

The dual carrage highway (although TFL) from Bridge Road roundabout to the Ace of Spades could benefit from green and metal barriers between the 4 lanes in the central reservation. 

Ideally the barrier in a number of secctions could be green hedging or small trees thus improving the overall view of the Hook Road. 

A lot of weeds grow in his section.

There has been some tree planting to the sides of the road near Bridge Road which is a great improvement. 

Further planting along the greener sections of Leatherhead Road would be a real bonus. 

Why the contribution is important

People are constantly crossing where it is not safe, putting in a barrier in the middle of the road would be a real safety improvement. In heavy traffic we can see vehicles crossing the central reservation to turn round. 

Increased greenery would make this part of the borough have a much greater appeal and look far more attractive. 

Anything that might increase local planting and reduce accidents would be great. 

by apavett on December 02, 2024 at 11:08AM

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