Rename Cox Lane Industrial Estate to Queen Elizabeth II Business Park
Rename Cox Lane Indsutrial Estate to Queen Elizabeth II Business Park in honour of our Late Queen and that the types of businesess has change and it needs a name "Business Park" that reflects this.
Why the contribution is important
I have been privileged to have lived through the entirety of our late Queen Elizabeth’s Reign “God Bless Her”, it will be hard to come to terms with her not being there for us.
For some time now I have been going on about how the face and feel of the Cox Lane Industrial Estate. It is changing with the times but its name is holding it back and not conducive to encouraging the new types of technological companies that we need moving forward started by Digital Realty a large International Hosting Company, plus we have the great existing businesses such as Alliance Health Care and New England Fish showing a diverse range of Companies and hopefully their presence will create spin off Companies wanting to come to Queen Elizabeth II Business Park Chessington.
Now is the time I feel to have the impetus and courage to go forward with the following :-
1. Name of Cox Lane Industrial Estate changed to Queen Elizabeth II Business Park
2.The road Name Jubilee Way which is fitting i.e. Queen Elizabeth II Business Park is served by Jubilee Way, is extended to include Cox Lane and OakCroft Way up to where it joins Hook Rise South
This would also help with the confusion with HGV;s GPS as Cox Lane would only be on the residential side of the Bus Gate. Jubilee Way and King Georges Fields was named in Honour of her Great Grandad King George V Jubilee.
I wrote to King Charles II as you do and got a reply saying if the Council are serious they should contact the Kings Naming Team to get permission. Mail and GPS equipment work on Post Codes that would not change so Businesses could change letter heads etc. when they run out of stationery and have to reorder etc.
by Rob on October 19, 2024 at 08:31AM
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