Review of Facilites Available for the Elderly RBK South of the Borough Community

We need our RBK MP, Leader of the Council, Councillors and RBK Offciers to review the facilites availble to enhance the Health & Wellbeing of the elderly within the RBK South of the Borough Community

Why the contribution is important

We have seen our MP Sir Ed Davedy stand up in Parliament at Prime Minister Question Time saying we are not doing enough to provide proper Community Care Services within our Local Communities.

Recently there was a planiing application to build an HMO in Hereford Way adjacent to the RBK Charles Lesser House a facility for our more mature residnets of our Community (60+ years). Thankfully the application was  rejected.

The unit available for development should be purchased by our Council and used by the Community.

However as part of the Chessington District Residents' Association investigation before entering their objections to the application we have to be honest we were not aware of the Charles Lesser House Facility.

It became clear that our Council had allowed the facilty to be become run down through  lack of maintenance  and investement over many years again just handing over  their responsibilites  to a contractor. Many of the units are not occupied.

What the CDRA  found here was totally incongruity with what our MP was  expounding and taking  the govermnet to task on the floor of "The House". 

Plus we have handed over The Amy Woodgate Home over to a Contractor so we need to see that the services provided are fit for purpose.

We do have some great facilites provided by  voluntary groups e.g. Lunch Clubs etc..

We see any availble land being handed over to developers to cram in as many units they can get away with and extract as much profit as possible for them out of the plot; however we need to control the types of dwellings going foward and not just more and more flats.

Not only do we need more family homes we need homes for the elderly i.e. the modern version of the Alms Houses. Albeit founded in the 10th Century AD many are still in use and well sort after as a place where our elderly residents can and want to live within their Communty. They are a small community within the larger community , keeping an eye on each other, community services can concentrate their support and it encourages them to willingly leave their large homes freeing them up for families.

Hence we need a review of Faciliites and Services available for maintaning the Health & Wellbeing of our  Elderly Residents within the RBK South of the Borough Community.



by RR on October 26, 2024 at 08:10AM

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