Tree damage on grass verges- An idea to reduce damage and allow our trees to thrive.
Help our trees thrive on our grass verges.
The trees on our grass verges are damaged by the strimers. They damage the base of the trees.
Newly planted trees are also vulnerable and are damaged..
The majority of the newly planted trees in my area have not been planted adequately: not planted deep enough; the tree guard is inadequate; the stakes loosen and are not corrected each time the tree is watered; the strimer damages the base of the trees.
The result is the tree is damaged, unsupported and die.
A possible solution that engages residents.
Aim to work with the tree officer/team and the contractor who plants the trees to help protect the new and old trees.
Aim to liase with the team that use the strimers to minimise tree damage.
Aim to know how to notify the tree team if a tree is in need of help.
Aim to have access to supplies like tree guards and bark chip etc to use at the base of trees to suppress grass growth and hence reduce the risk of strimer damage.
Aim to help residents who want to help the trees liase with each other.
I would like to offer my help to do this for the tress in my area.
Perhaps others may want to help the trees in their area even if it's just one tree on your road.
Help a tree flourish. It's a legacy.
Why the contribution is important
To protect the trees.
Get good value for money once the tree is planted so it thrives and does not die prematurely.
Encourage wildlife and beautiful vistas.
Build communities around our trees.
by Nikki on August 29, 2024 at 12:11AM
Posted by mikeH November 30, 2024 at 19:29
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