Alexandra Drive - Shopping parade - Green space

hi, we have a lovely green space at the end of Alexandra Drive KT5 by the local shops, i feel the area would benefit from some investment to make it more usable.

We had a community charty carol singing event by the shops in December which was a great success, but would have been lovely to hold part of it in the green space.

In order to make it more usable for the community all year round, where people can meet, eat food purchased from the local shops, i feel a proper path needs to be added, some of the trees and shrubs trimmed, potentially a new fence, chairs and benches added and electric power to the area, albeit only available for specific arranged events. 

Why the contribution is important

This would make it a safe/ usable space for the community and would help the local shops as people would have a place to eat food that has been purchsed.

When we held our carol concert it was in aid of Kingston Samaritans and during the event a number of people commented on how valuable it had been to have a chance to meet and chat to neighbours, so having this space could give people that opportunity on a regular basis.

by dmurphy1005 on February 16, 2024 at 07:53AM

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