Anti fly-tipping campaign

There's a lot of low level fly-tipping across the borough - either people don't know about the waste collection service or don't want to pay the cost. It's only sorted once the council are informed  (and the service is good) however, better if there was no fly-tipping in the first place. Could an education campaign be developed - particularly for small businesses and residents of flats (my observation being that fly tipping is worse in the vicinity of multi-occupancy buildings). Could the council do something about reducing the cost of large household item collection which might increase its usage? Or could there be a bi-weekly collection (aligned with regular household waste collection that removed these items?) 

Why the contribution is important

Fly-tipping has become worse in recent years and spoils the environment for residents. Once fly-tipping starts, it seems to encourage more. 

by LadyJ on November 22, 2024 at 10:08PM

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