Arts and crafts activity and events centre

An Arts and Crafts activity and events centre for all, where arts and crafts courses, workshops, events, small fairs, charity fundraising could be organised by a variety or people. A place where the local community and charities could be involved. A place where students from Kingston University could contribute with arts courses, where the elderly could learn new skills and socialise, where parents and children could interact and learn, and everyone else in between. A place where seasonal fairs could be organised to raise funds for local charities or for other local projects. A place where freelancers could teach arts and crafts of all types. A vibrant place to socialise within the community. 

Why the contribution is important

It would involve and attract a wide range of people and help the community grow and interact positively. It would help rasing funds for a variety of projects for the local community. It would be very positive for the elderly and for young people that could be activily involved to organise local seasonal and themed fairs and events. It would create a sense of belonging to the Surbiton community. It would help the local charities to raise funds for their causes. It would help local people to learn new skills. It would help local freelancers (young and old) to be known and by organising workshops and sharing their teaching skills. 

by Monica on March 16, 2024 at 10:28AM

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