Clairemont Road pavement improvement
The pavement between Lloyds Bank and Waitrose Supermarket is hazardous on a rainy day.
The drainage is appaling. In the middle drain channel where water does not drain away but sits as puddles for the unwarey to avoid if they can! This has all the apearance of a third world attempt for a solution to a created problem !
This is an important route which almost everyone in Surbiton must have to use over the years since its inception. It is an embarrassment we could well do without, is my view.
About time a solution was implemented.
Why the contribution is important
Hazardous invitation to slip , fall over, when trying to avoid the puddles in the centre of the walkway.
Visually a disgrace to have to cope with this problem year in year out.
Why is it allowed to continue?
by surbitoneye on April 01, 2024 at 12:39PM
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