Community Workshop

My idea is access to a community workshop where we could either work on our own projects or sign up for short courses to build things like a coffee table or a chairs.

This could be a pay as you go setup that allows members of the community access to a woodwork shop without the capital outlay to make one for just one or two people. 

Further to that it could allow for local students in the community to get hands on with woodworking or similar skills in a instructor lead and controlled way.

This has worked in other parts of London see:

Why the contribution is important

Supports sustainability by creating a shared resource for the community and encouraging people to mend repair or make the things they own rather than using them and then throwing them away.

by Robgyver on May 12, 2024 at 10:13AM

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  • Posted by mohsenmirza November 03, 2024 at 21:08

    I think it is great idea to have community workshop for doing projects and sharing skills. A bit like shedex or sheddington

  • Posted by Flis November 23, 2024 at 12:55

    There is a manshed at Fircroft Trust on Ditton Road. But struggling to get enough to go and I think one of the coordinators sadly has/had health issues. But the few who go, rely on it for company a nd get out of the house.

    But a community workshop that also women could go to and students would be great.

    As you say, a mix of things that can be made, tools available etc.

    superb idea.

    Fix things for people rather than going into landfill. Save the World Club has Mark fixing electricals, but he doesn't have enough time to do it all.
    A woodwork, furniture, upholstery, plastic etc fixing and making centre
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