Cycle lanes - enforcing correct direction of travel in cycling lanes

While there are a few two-way cycle lanes in Surbiton, most are one way and cyclists should be going in the direction of travel of the traffic to their right. This doesn't always happen and is a hazard for pedestrians and drivers alike. There must be experience that could be drawn on from other places to stop this.

Why the contribution is important

It happens too often and is a hazard to pedestrians and motorists.

by LadyJ on November 22, 2024 at 10:12PM

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  • Posted by sunshine_mel January 23, 2025 at 15:20

    Better cycle lanes would mean more cyclists would be inclined to use them - instead of cycle paths which (seemingly arbitrarily) cross to different sides of the road, go from two-way to one-way, or suddenly have to share space with pedestrians (especially around bus stops and trees).
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