Cycle paths and flowerbeds welfare

The cycle paths in Ewell Road between Ditton Road and Browns Road are in need of attention. The gutter cleaning machines cannot now access the gutters because of the design of the cycle lanes and the metal poles to keep vehicles away. Hence weeds and debris are building up preventing water from running away to the drains. The metal poles have lost their reflective glow and several have been hit and misshaped.

The flower beds on Tolworth Broadway are full of weeds and dead flowers. If you plant a tree on the greenway why then surround its roots with concrete so it get can't get water and dies ? Equally if you have a flower bed it needs attention or it looks a mess .

Why the contribution is important

If we want to improve our environment then we need to give more attention to it

by Eventually37 on April 17, 2024 at 09:32AM

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