Elmbridge Meadows, Raeburn Reserve, Knotweed

Elmbridge Meadows.

1)      Bridges: Both have rotted and now in places dangerous boards which require replacement.

2)      The path behind the houses floods for long periods. It has in the past been layed, but needs to be re-done, and raised somewhat (NOT needing bridging).

3)      At A3 entrance: Invasive laurel and buddleia needs removing.

4)      There are places where the river-bank has inlets which are very close to the path: and one can invisage someone not paying too much attention falling into the river.


Raeburn Reserve.

1)     The much-used path along the river turns to a m,ud-path in winter, and for longer still. Has deep depressions which need filling, not with chippings but hard material, and ideally making up properly.

2)     The grass area gets in a poor state in winter, again a proper path would be nice.

3)     At the Sterling walk end a great deal of litter is left around the seat. A bin may encourage people not to be as antisocial.


This goes on forever: unlike the surrounding Councils, Kingston does nothing about it. It is worse this year in most places than ever. It is all along the Hogsmill and its contributory. This has been raised again and again, including with the Chief Executive   in person.

Why the contribution is important


by PBMoss on June 14, 2024 at 12:57PM

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