Expand the Queen's Promenade & pedestrianise the road

Queen's Promenade is easily one of the best parts of Surbiton/Kingston. Any time the weather is halfway decent, practically the entire town goes out to enjoy the beautiful space along the river. However, the path gets narrow and becomes unpleasantly crowded at times. I think every path user would love a wider Queen's Promenade with more paths / wider paths, even more beautiful plants, and a real community feel.

The expansion would also involve wider cycle lanes that would be more distinctly separate from the pedestrian area. Cars tend to speed down the road towards Kingston, which creates a bad experience for pedestrians and cyclists along with safety concerns. But cars don't really need that road (Portsmouth Road / A307) to access Kingston because they can just turn right and take Maple. Let's pedestrian the section of the road between roughly Uxbridge Road and the roundabout (High St start) -- or at least drop it down to one lane in one direction.

We'll have more space for pedestrians, more space for cyclists, and minimal impact to car traffic. The Queen's Promenade will become a destination for everyone in the area!

Why the contribution is important

Better community feel, better access to the river and nature, and safer for everyone!

by braysurbiton on November 23, 2024 at 02:48PM

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