More recycling collection and better access for everyone to Villiers Road Centre

Increase the frequency of recycling bin emptying and increase foot/bike and out of hours access to Villiers Road Recycling Centre.

Why the contribution is important

There's a real problem with recycling in Surbiton, I've found the paper recycling bin can take over a month to be taken - 6-7 weeks one time, and quite often gets totally full. Plastic/glass seems to be more regular, or just doesn't get full as much, but the rise of Amazon and online purchases means a lot of boxes and paper waste to reycle, I guess.

Also it's hard unless you have access to a car to access the Villiers Road Recycling Centre - currently you can only get access on foot for the last 30 mins on Saturday and Sunday.

This is why people dump stuff on the street, or fill the black bins, because without a car it's hard to recycle some things here.

Surely the better thing is to have some bins outside the centre, like a supermarket for all to use out of hours? Maybe set in a walk-only section so people can't just drive up and dump things. And also have maybe a day or half-day or definitely more than 30 mins for those without cars to use the centre?

by fingertrouble on October 28, 2024 at 10:16PM

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  • Posted by Nicola November 14, 2024 at 18:01

    Let's improve recycling collection in the borough of Kingston upon Thames.
  • Posted by Flis November 23, 2024 at 12:47

    People complain about the fly tipping and dumping, the cause is the access problem for the recycling centre and not enough other places available for those without cars.
    I have heard the council collection service isn't wonderful and expensive if you think some people have to work part time due to kids or health and then only maybe £11 an hour.

    the borough wants to encourage less use of cars and vans, but doesn't help those who don't have them.
    Or can't afford to rent a van and then might get caught to pay as businesses have to pay to dump.

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