Motorbikes Outside McDonald


My favourite local paper is of course The Good Life with so many interesting articles.  One that caught my eye today was ways of improving Surbiton.  I have noticed that over the last few years, Victoria Road has gone downhill, and so many of my friends and neighbours agree. The biggest bugbear of all is… the MotorBike Men outside McDonalds.  They make the road look so scruffy, hanging about, smoking, and taking up the front seats in McDonalds with their dirty helmets in the window, on their phones, not even buying anything.  It is bad enough having the empty ex-M&Co over the road, but Surbiton is becoming very depressing now.  Can we PLEASE make these people park their motorbikes around the back of the shop, any cars who manage to park there have to pay for the privilege or receive a ticket.  They don’t.  Also they are gradually increasing and crawling further up the road, I noticed yesterday.  Loved the cartoon about them, by the way.  So true.

Why the contribution is important

To bring the old Surbiton up to a better standard and pleasant to walk through.

by SurbitonSally on May 12, 2024 at 04:01PM

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  • Posted by Sotongirl May 22, 2024 at 20:05

    You can’t restrict freedom of movement, unless they are parking illegally, n which case they could be fined or asked to move on by parking attendants. I think they are mostly Uber/Deliveroo drivers. It’s annoying I agree but I don’t see there being much that can be done about it
  • Posted by KNBD September 27, 2024 at 10:05

    The motorbike park should be moved away from the pedestrian crossing. The parked riders obscure the view of pedestrians trying to cross. The parked bikes and their riders are a hazard where they are now. They should park on McDonald's property.
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