No more new builds on Brighton Rd!

Dear all,

As you may or may not know, there are plans to build more new build flats on Brighton Road.

This will be a disaster for many reasons. One, Surbiton is losing it's character with the constant new builds. Seething Wells and Brighton Road includes a beautiful array of cottages - that is what we all love Surbiton - not more soulless new builds. 

Also, is the removal of the Surbtion Community Fridge which was in a prime location. A hugely important food bank for the communuty which has helped many people during tough times. Why not renovate that rather than knock it down? If that's not possible, a new supermarket would be favoured over more new builds and much needed on Brighton Rd.

It is also a very busy road which is used by many daily. The disruption of demolishing the building and building 41 new flats will be huge. It will cause chaos for people joining Portsmouth Road and up onto the A3 at Hook.

The space can be used for an abundance of wonderful things. From more greenspace to a new, renovated Community Fridge. Anything but more new build flats.

Thank you for reading my idea.

Why the contribution is important

For the history and image of Seething Wells, for the Community Fridge which is a hugely important help for those in need and for the avoidance of serious road distruption.

by Richard on May 27, 2024 at 05:11PM

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  • Posted by Reader December 30, 2024 at 23:01

    I’ve no objection to new builds, we need housing and people want to live in Surbiton. Nor should the temporary disruption of building work be allowed to prevent development that will benefit us in the longer term. But it should be possible to do this while respecting the local character.. I’d like to see much better quality buildings, in keeping with their surroundings. There should be a preference for re-use of existing buildings where these are worth keeping. If this pushes up the cost of construction and eats into developers’ profits, so be it. I’ve noticed Kingston not enforcing the recommendations for inclusion of social housing and affordable homes within new developments. Why is this?
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