Pedestrianize the eastern section of Victoria Road

Pedestrianize Victoria Road between the Surbiton Flyer pub (from the exit from the station) to Costa Coffee (St. Andrews Road). Allow this to be a mixed pedestrian/cycle area (similar to the Kingston Market area).

  • Place planters (or plant additional trees) along the new pedestrian area to enhance it.
  • Allow tables and chairs in the new pedestrian area to be used by restaurants and coffee shops.
  • Include more innovative seating for the public along the pedestrian area.
  • Include other exciting and innovative features in the pedestrian area for the benefit of pedestrians and to attract residents and businesses to Surbiton


Buses will need to be re-routed either via St James Rd, St Philips Rd and St Andrews Rd or via Maple Road and Brighton Road.

Deliveries to shops and businesses along the pedestrian area will have to be via cargo bikes or other means

Delivery mopeds/bikes from McDonalds & Papa Johns will need to be parked outside of the pedestrian area.

Why the contribution is important


Supports two of the objectives of the Surbiton Community Plan:

  • Develop, promote and enhance the neighbourhood’s parks, streets and open spaces to encourage more outdoor-based activity.
  • Identify and implement innovative local projects which benefit and attract residents and businesses into the local Surbiton area.

Builds on the 20/21 and 21/22 initiatives in the plan:

  • Promote partnership working to see how we can reinvigorate the high streets and attract consumers and businesses into the local area.

Supports the Kingston Air Quality Action Plan:

  • To improve the environment of neighbourhoods
  • Improve the walking and cycling infrastructure in line with the Healthy Streets approach to create new, safer, uninterrupted walking routes making it quicker and more pleasant to choose active travel

Supports the Kingston Council’s 2023-2027 Plan:

  • Working with partners and communities to ensure the borough is greener and safer
  • Ensure that the borough stays safe, well-maintained and resilient so individuals and communities can thrive and prosper

by Johntiptop on October 27, 2024 at 02:42PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.6
Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by fingertrouble October 28, 2024 at 21:52

    Great idea! All for pedestrianising some or all of Victoria Road.
  • Posted by Johntiptop November 21, 2024 at 21:39

    The idea of making Victoria Road into a pedestrian area was proposed in the Surbiton Town Improvement Strategy commissioned by the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee in 2009.


    Significant stakeholder engagement, analysis and in-depth proposals were documented in the report with a vision to transform the image of the Town Centre and at the same time respect its over-arching characteristics.

    It is an opportunity to redefine and strengthen the focus of the area and to develop the highest quality urban design that is both sustainable and distinctive. It would provide significant benefits for all users including local residents, businesses, shoppers and those visiting the area.
  • Posted by Flis November 23, 2024 at 12:20

    Closing off a section of Victoria Road. That would be a nightmare. Definitely not!
    In an ideal world, the idea is great, but there aren't enough other local roads to cater for the traffic.
    A vast number of people can't walk or cycle. Even if fit due to luggage or children. Others due to health problems, age or they have to juggle life, nip into Surbiton for something or to do something, then carry onto school run, work or other activities. It would push me onto buying online more, which I hate as it doesn't help the community or the environment.

    It would push the traffic to Maple Road, which has an infant and junior school and also Surbiton high schools, so much more dangerous for pupils and parents. And currently more polluting for them too.
    That gets a bottle neck by the pubs and shops anyway during normal hours.

    When the trees are being pollarded or the street market is in Maple Road, the other roads are dangerous and chaotic, often stationary. So closing Victoria road would create the same thing the other way around.

    Being realistic - cargo bikes to deliver stock to and from the shops?

    Once more people have electric cars over the next few years there will be less pollution anyway.

    Whether a one way system would help for that section or not, I am not sure. So two way up to Sainsburys, one way for the main high street to Flying pub, so less congestion, but wide enough for buses to stop and vehicles can pass safely. Maybe a cycle way both ways and widen footpath, but need 2 lanes ie bus stops and those passing.
    If the station is made into a social area, I can't work out where taxis and drop off/pick up for the public would be that is so vital.

    I help elderly, taking them places to keep them stimulated and feeling slightly independent, not stuck at home. lonely and things brought to them. Without access to take them to shops, drop them off and then find the ever decreasing places I can park even with a blue badge, as everywhere has lines on the kerb - would just isolate them further, unable to join in with anything. I then take them around shops or cafes etc. It would be the same for those with young children.

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