Red Lion Road Industrial Estate - Residential Issues

We appreciate the whole of RBK is under pressure to provide new housing especially  by the latest Government and the London Mayor.

Before we start irrevocably destroying our Green Belt we should look at areas where possibly the exisitng use is not appropriate.

For years our Councilors  have been petitioning for TFL to do some thing about the turn off the A3 into Fullers way North for large vehicles that want to access Red Lion Industrial Estate. It would cost £m's if it was even physically possible to get a solution.

There are also problems with the traffic flow in local roads and we have seen the  disaster over the handling  of Tolworth Road Safer Street Project.

Its time to bite that bullet and face the point that maybe the Red Lion Road Indusrfial estate is in the wrong facility in the wrong place, full stop.

RBK Council along with the London Mayor should look at a project to slowly migrate and integrate the existing  businesses on Red Lion Road Industrial Estate into the other Busines Parks in the South of the Borough possibly offering incentives and the area is  giving over to extend the  Tolworth Square Residential Park.

We are seeing regeneration in the other Business Parks, e.g. latest Planning Application Davis Road Cox Lane Business Park. 

We need some to take charge of this and start looking at the bigger picture and not just treat  every application in isolation. With the pressure growing on any space we have left, we should see better and more efficient use of sites and building better communities both Business and Residential.

Not just build quantity but build quality, including quality of peoples lives, building communities and homes  where people want to live and raise thier families and not areas and units where poeple have to live. 

The industrial estate is amongst and surrounded by residnetial estates and local schools and the road infrastructiure is one of local residential roads, avenues and closes, not conducive to accessing a large industrial estate.

It needs some one to be given the project to look into this way forward and the area could be one of new good famliy homes something RBK is very short of and we have had enough of flats and putting familes in high rise units such as the Signal Park just down the  A3 .

If the new Government wants to push through there plans to reach their housing targets they should be ready to fund projects sucha s the above to make land availble for homes and sorting out exisitng issues with businesses.







Why the contribution is important

Long outstanding issue with traffci turning off A3 into Fullers Way North. Need for more housing in the right places. Sort out long outstanding traffic issues in the Fullers Way North\Red Lion Road Area.

by Rob on December 30, 2024 at 09:35AM

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