Remove road bumps

The road bumps that were introduced as a traffic calming measure before the 20mph speed limit are now redundant and should be removed. This can be done painlessly over a period of time as the roads that have the road bumps are resurfaced.

Why the contribution is important

These bumps now serve no purpose and are an unnecessary obnstruction and hazard to all road users and especially to cyclists. Amongst other issues, they cause headlights to dazzle oncoming drivers and drivers who may be looking in their rear view mirror and lead some drivers to indulge in excessive acceleration and braking, thus increasing pollution.

The ones in my road (Alexandra Drive) are of a design that is no longer approved for use and they are downright dangerous. They caused a very serious accident a few years ago, although it was not reported. The victim was an extremely frail old lady in a wheelchair. She was in her nineties and was quite traumatised. She said that she did not want the hassle of reporting it at her age. As a result of the accident, she was not able to see properly to fill in forms or to write letters, so she let it go.

It would be a great benefit if roads could be restored to a level surface.


by Jeffrey on February 26, 2024 at 11:53AM

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  • Posted by Peter March 15, 2024 at 15:13

    I can understand the frustration with some roads being "swamped" with sleeping policemen, however, taking them away will be asking for idiots to race through once again. Perhaps a better idea would be to "rationalise" in key areas ?
  • Posted by jdazcr April 23, 2024 at 17:35

    I'd rather they both get rid of them and ditch the blanket 20, except for areas such as schools.
    It just causes more pollution from slower traffic and has not been proven to reduce accidents.
    In fact some studies say 20mph increases accidents and if the idiotic driving I see is anything to go by its correct(mainly people pulling out infront of moving vehicles rather than following the highway code and waiting)
    Or drivers swerving in road to avoid road humps!
  • Posted by olicr October 29, 2024 at 07:39

    i'd accept the removal of speed bumps if i felt there was any danger of the speed limit being respected/enforced. as it is they're doing good work keeping people honest.
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