Rubbish left on the street

The QEF charity shop on Tolworth Broadway on a daily basis has old clothing and other " contributions " left in their doorway when the shop is closed. Having been soiled by the rain or just the quality it would be classified as rags but regardless it's unsightly. Could we not have a container on the pavement,there is room, similar to those In Surbiton town in which the public could deposit their " contributions ".

Also there is a dumbed fridge freezer in the Douglas Road alleyway to Tolworth Junior School. It's been there for some weeks, dumped. The Council say it's on private land but as it's a council school and children pass it daily is it going to sit there forever ?

Why the contribution is important

If you genuinely want to improve the environment then let's see some action not just hyped up talk.

by Eventually37 on May 27, 2024 at 11:21AM

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