Seething Wells Filter bed

This site as you enter Surbiron is a complete eyesore after 25 yrs of inaction. It could be an excellent open space for the public  to enjoy next to the river. Also it should be returned to a wildlife haven as it was 3-6 yrs ago before being vandalised by the owners . Time for RBK to share that vision without delay. It has MOL and SINC status and therefore has protections - RBK need to act!!

Why the contribution is important

An huge open space for the public to enjoy on what is a very historic site- brought clean water to London in mid 1800's. We have seen before the destruction how it became a wonderful wildlife haven with 60 varieties of birds. There is a big bat colony too!

by Herby258 on April 23, 2024 at 01:42PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.8
Based on: 7 votes


  • Posted by Akas22 August 20, 2024 at 16:09

    As it is in private ownership the only way this will be transformed into a green and pleasant area is if it is bought from the owners. Various Councillors and at least one Planner, know how this can be funded, but they seem too scared or too busy or both to do anything about it.
  • Posted by KNBD September 27, 2024 at 10:11

    Definitely requires action. 25 years of inaction is not acceptable to the public and a potential amenity is an eyesore.
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