
Difficult topic in the era of ever increasing online shopping, but are there ways to pro-actively attract businesses into currently empty shops (reduce or waive rates, help with refurb etc)? Ever more nail shops, estate agents or charity shops can't be an attractive future. Can empty places be made available temporarily (say for a month or quarter) to test ideas, concepts or other? The Surbiton Farmers Market has great entrepreneurial people - might some of them be tempted into a more permanent base?

Why the contribution is important

Life and soul in our high street.

by Stefan on February 23, 2024 at 05:44PM

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  • Posted by Peter March 15, 2024 at 15:19

    Yes, totally agree. Too many charity shops starting to creep into the high street (Victoris Road). We'll be like Twickenham soon. Council rates/rent must be getting too high making business fold/move on. Next shop to close, let's give this idea a go....
  • Posted by phillro March 15, 2024 at 18:40

    You say this is a difficult topic. Maybe, but it is central to plannng for our town. Anything we can do to keep the "high street" vibrant has a massive effect on the atmosphere.
  • Posted by PhilS March 26, 2024 at 22:59

    This is a core topic that I would imagine many people of Surbiton ponder over. Seeing the success in Kingston town centre with new shops appearing , is there not any lessons we can learn to boost the high street?
  • Posted by jdazcr April 23, 2024 at 17:28

    Just reduce the business rates full stop.
    Many small home based businesses would love to have a shop instead, but the jump from home to even paying the business costs of a shop are insane and makes it impossible to expand, even when there is market for the product/service.
  • Posted by NewtoSurbiton May 16, 2024 at 15:29

    Agree with the views expressed. Victoria Road lets Surbiton down. It has far too many empty shops, a lack of variety of shops and it looks generally untidy and unloved. We need to attract more independent shops and prioritise types that are not currently reflected. Could some, eg M&S and Boots be encouraged to expand into vacant units so they could offer a wider range of products? Rates are obviously an issue that needs to be addressed.
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