Stop cyclists riding down Queen's Promenade & river

Enforce the existing no cycling areas along the river along Queen's Promenade and other parts that are no cycling

Why the contribution is important

This has been a long running issue, which got worse during lockdown. There's an exclusive cycle path 10-20m along the road, so there's no excuse but cyclists still ride down the river, which is unlit, sometimes they ride without lights at night.

My late partner was hit sitting on a bench (!) in the daytime by one of these cyclists. It's dangerous and someone will end up in the river one of these days. There are 'Walk your cycle' signs but no enforcement.

by fingertrouble on October 28, 2024 at 10:00PM

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  • Posted by JMeers October 31, 2024 at 20:56

    Many volunteers (including myself) of Queen's Promenade Friends have felt somewhat threatened by speeding bikes on the promenade. There are signs prohibiting cycling along the prom but they are never enforced. It is the making of an accident with many children, dogs, elderly people and the working volunteers being used as chicanes by anti social cyclists. QPF have achieved the impossible by creating a beautiful environment for others to enjoy; cyclists should be stopped and fined.
  • Posted by braysurbiton November 23, 2024 at 13:47

    I agree but want to suggest we take this a step further... Expand the Queen's Promenade and cycle lanes, reinforce that bikes use the newly expanded cycle lanes, and limit the car access to a single one-way road only or just pedestrianise it. Central Kingston is already not great for cars and we might as well make the most of the space, it would be SO amazing to expand Queen's Promenade!
  • Posted by Reader December 30, 2024 at 22:50

    Since the installation of the fully segregated cycle lane, I agree it’s reasonable to ban cycling on the ‘promenade’ stretch of the towpath. The cycle lane would be better used if it flowed more intuitively from the towpath. There is a short section by the Rose that leaves cyclists with nowhere to go and forces them back into the traffic. Please make it a bit easier for us by redesigning this junction with pedestrians and cyclists in mind (with the needs of cars and car parking a lower priority) and signing clearly and early where and how to leave the path and join the cycle lane (and vice versa going towards kingston) without at any time having to merge with other traffic.
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