Surbiton Station - Disabled access

At present it is only possible for people who need to use the lift, to access the station from the front (town side).  There is a lift at the rear (car park side) but it is not in use and hasn't been in the last 40 years.  Why not?  Can it be repaired and be brought into use, please?

Why the contribution is important

It is important for those of us who are disabled, or who are able-bodied but use pushchairs for children or carry heavy luggage and need to gain access to the station from the car park.

by David on April 16, 2024 at 07:12PM

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  • Posted by jonathanwheatley May 15, 2024 at 14:40

    During the past couple of years vast amounts of money have been spend on improving the access between the front and rear of the station. None of this expenditure or "investment" corrects the longstanding imbalance between the front and rear for those train passengers whose circumstances require LIFT access to and from all platforms from BOTH SIDES OF THE STATION

    At the present time the absence of LIFT access on the rear/car park side is a notable disadvantage to an increasing number of the elderly and mothers with babies from using the station at all, with consequent loss of fare income to the railway operator.

    Which body represents the passengers? which organisation is responsible for all planning and development of Surbiton station? Do these parties ever meet!!!
  • Posted by sunshine_mel August 21, 2024 at 16:23

    Fully agree - I regularly travel with my bike and it's a pain to carry it up / down the stairs; and it's a huge issue for lots of people.

    Arguably more important than the new set of stairs and ticket barriers built at vast expense that's open for about 2 hours max every day serving only the rush hour passengers, rather than something that will benefit more of the community
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