The Byeways - Safer pavements

The pavements in The Byeways and other streets in Berrylands/Surbiton desparately need to be repaired and levelled. My mother who has mobility issues is forced to walk on the road because she is afraid of falling due to the uneven pavements. She risks her own safety and that of others but feels she has no other choice. 

Why the contribution is important

This is a safety hazzard!!!

by Kim on February 23, 2024 at 02:06PM

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  • Posted by Sotongirl May 22, 2024 at 23:11

    All across Berrylands the pavements are dreadful (except Lyndhurst which were done a couple of years ago). It is a hazard for small kids on scooters too. My daughter suffered concussion as a result of toppling her scooter which got caught by a change in levels between pavement and driveway access. Even with a helmet on she got a nasty gash on the chin and concussion symptoms later.
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